Sunday, May 31, 2020

Shrimp with Creamed Corn and Feta

     Good grief.  Can you believe it is June 1st?  I have almost stopped counting the weeks but I think we are heading into Week 12 or 13.  I would go back and look at the calendar, but why?  Suffice it to say, it has been a long time.  I am starting to go into the office more and more for a couple of hours at a time.  I read an article in the NY Times this morning that said going back into the office for introverts could be hard.  This introvert completely agrees.

     Cate received her cap and gown yesterday and although she is officially finished with high school, they will not make a decision on what to do about graduation until July 24th.  Everyone is experiencing good days and bad days - which is normal.  I think it is a bit hard on Cate right now as she has nothing to do.  So, she enrolled in an online Sports Psychology class through the University of North Dakota.  She has been interested in the subject and what better time to explore it and possibly receive college credit.

     When the killings at the Tree of Life Synagogue occurred, it was very difficult for Cate.  It was very personal as her cousin's husband was the second police office on the site.  She was mad that her own friends in our dear little suburb knew virtually nothing about it.  We drove into the city and she paid her respects at the memorial site and attended an outside service.

     With this recent outbreak of violence in Minnesota, which has increased to all over the country, once again, Cate takes it very personally.  Pittsburgh was having a protest yesterday and she mentioned something about it on Friday.  I told her Saturday morning that while I in sync with the cause, I felt that the violence was overshadowing the issue and I did not think it would be a good idea for her to go.  She agreed - or so she said.  When she and her boyfriend entered the house last night, I just had this inkling.  Later in the evening, I asked her if she had gone and she admitted she had.  So, I head straight for the parent thing...I told you not to go...what if something happened to you...that only sparked her loud, heated response.  It only got her back up against the wall.  Jamie took the military approach...Where or who was your lifeline?  If something had happened to you or your friends, how would we have known?  His tactic clearly worked better than mine.  This morning, over breakfast, she talked about the event and showed us her photographs - which are amazing.  As soon as it became violent, they left.    They wanted to be there to support the cause - not to participate in violence.

     Strange post this is today - but I needed to get it out.  Our trip to Europe has been officially cancelled for July as the airline pulled out.  We all were a bit bummed by this but understand and also realize that if that is the worst thing that happens to us through this pandemic, then we are very fortunate.

     I actually cannot remember what we did on Memorial Day as the days run together.  I do know, from  my food diary, that I found some early sweet corn at the grocery store and immediately this dish came to mind.  It is one of our favorites during the summer.  Even though the intro says you can use frozen corn kernels...NEVER do this.  Wait for the summer corn. It is worth it.

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