Thursday, October 15, 2015

Baba Ganoush


     Look at these pretty little eggplants!  Now, what I am going to do with these pretty little eggplants?  My last foray into eggplants resulted in a wonderful Eggplant Parmesan.  Now, with these little beauties, I needed to do something different.

     I combed through the Internet but nothing seemed to appeal to me. Perhaps, they all seemed like vegetable dishes.  Yes, I  know that eggplant is a vegetable but I was looking for something that didn't remind me (and more importantly, Dear Daughter) that we were consuming a vegetable.

     That is when I came upon Baba Ganoush.

     That is when I made something delicious.

     How do I know?  Because, Dear Husband who is an expert at making hummus declared that it was perhaps even better than hummus.

     It is even fun to say, "Baba Ganoush, Baba Ganoush, Baba Ganoush."  Bet you are smiling now!

     Try it and let me know what you think.

Baba Ganoush

Baby Ganoush

Fairy Tale Eggplants (I had six or seven small ones)
1 head of garlic
Olive Oil
Lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 400 F.  Prick the eggplants with a fork in various places in order to let the steam escape.  Place on a sheetpan and roast for 40 minutes or until eggplants are softened.

Cut off the top of the garlic.  Place in a piece of foil and drizzle a bit of olive oil around the bulb.  Close up and place on the sheetpan with the eggplants.  It should take about the same time to roast the garlic as it does the eggplant.

Allow eggplant and garlic to cool.

Now, in this next part you add ingredients, taste, add a bit more until you get it to how you like it.

If you are using an immersion blender, peel the eggplant and place in a bowl.  (If you are using a blender or food processor, then put in there.)  Take a few cloves of garlic and add to the bowl.  Use about 1/4 cup of tahini and 1 tsp of cumin.  Add a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and 1T olive oil.

Blend ingredients together and taste.  Adjust to your preferences.  I added a bit more tahini and a bit more lemon juice and olive oil.  Goes great with cut up vegetables.  Drizzle with a bit more olive oil. Very tasty and I have to think it is pretty nutritious.

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