Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Chicken Cutlets with Caprese Salad

     Making lunch and dinner every day for nearly four can get a little old...even for someone who loves to cook.  I try not to plan lunch...we typically make salads, eat leftovers or rummage through the freezer.  But in four months, we have only had take-out about four times.  So, there is still a lot of cooking.

     Yesterday, I wanted something fast, something tasty and something fun.  Rummaging around the freezer, I found Parmesan breaded chicken cutlets that I had purchased at Whole Foods at the beginning of the pandemic.  Sure, I could have made my own - but this was easier.  In the refrigerator, I found some Bocconcini, little mozzarella mouthfuls and on the counter was a bowl of sweet cherry tomatoes.  The night before I had made a basil pesto and there was just a little bit left.  Perfect - there was dinner.

     I heated oil in a pan and cooked the chicken.  While this was happening, I diced the Bocconcini, halved the tomatoes and placed them in a bowl.  I mixed the pesto with a bit more olive oil to make it more creamy and threw that in with the cheese and tomatoes.

     Within 10 minutes, dinner was done.  It was nice, tasty and more importantly fast and simple.  We dined al-fresco on the deck and it made for a very enjoyable evening.

     It doesn't have to be complicated.  But it does have to be good.

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