Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ham and Cheese Baguette

     They say it is the Memorial Day weekend to remember or forget.  I have not decided yet, which it will be.  Once upon a time, this was a travel weekend for us.  Once Cate became a lifeguard, this was her first big weekend and the travelling over Memorial Day ended.   Now she isn't a lifeguard...and we cannot travel.    We tried to make it to Lake Chautauqua but every other New Yorker had the same idea.  So,  much to Jamie's chagrin, at home we stay.  

     It rained nearly all day yesterday.  It was miserably foggy when we woke up  today.  I quickly ducked my head back under the covers and did not reappear until 9am.  The fog had lifted.  I had my coronovirus breakfast of 1 piece of bread, topped with Duke's Mayo, Isalys's chipped ham, American Cheese and the abundant lettuce.  Fold it over to make 1/2 sandwich and I am in heaven...which accounts for no weight loss during "coronovacation".

     One of Cate's friends called her to say that she needed to get away from her parents.  So I offered the invitation to join us on our second field food trip...pick up croissants and baguettes in the city, pick up a pizza from Mineo's and then head to Schenley Park for a picnic.  Surprisingly, she took us up on it.  I told her straight out, that she was trading one set of parents for another.  But she didn't seem to mind.  Cate loved seeing her.  Jamie and I loved seeing much so that we told her she could come to GA with us for two weeks.  And that wasn't the wine speaking...

     Upon arrival at home, I left to go grocery shopping.  Cate left for her boyfriend's house.  I asked if she would be home for dinner and I got a sketchy reply.  My tactic now is..."we eat at 7pm.  If you are here, that is great...if not, we are eating without you."  I tried not to say it in a mean way - I mean it.  She is 18 - almost 19.  There is this pandemic.  If she gets a chance to go out and see friends....go out and see friends.  We have seen you a lot in 10 weeks (albeit...your foot sneaking out of the covers from your bed...but that counts, doesn't it?)

     While returning home from shopping, I received a text from her apologizing for being snippy at lunch.   She was but I didn't think it warranted an apology. Then she said that she heard we were making risotto for dinner and she was sorry that she had made she thought we were getting take-out (which we have done only 3 times during the pandemic).  I was just surprised by the text so I called her and reassured her that all was ok.

     And I was jumping up and down in my heart....Yes duck confit risotto would be great...but we can have it ANYTIME.  I have all of the ingredients.  Just pop those little duck legs back in the freezer.

     But what I had not had in a very long time was a ham and cheese baguette sandwich.  I get that you  do not understand it.  But you have to listen to me....the French take this very seriously.  In France, at the grocery stores, they sell ham and cheese cut exactly to match the inside of a baguette!  I am not joking.  The cheese is actually called Baguette Cheese.  All you have to do is cut your baguette, slather on butter or mayo, and then lay your pieces of ham and cheese...they fit perfectly.  The first couple of years, we made elaborate charcuterie platters for our lunches at the beach....once I figured out baguette sandwiches, we never went back.  Well actually...maybe a little.  Cate will eat smoked salmon, prosciutto, foie gras...but not a deli meat she always had a modified charcuterie platter.

     So when she tells me that she will not be at home for dinner, I do a happy dance inside.  I have ham.  I have cheese.  Albeit, not baguette ham and cheese but I can modify.   Most importantly, I have French mayo.    On every trip to Europe, I bring it back.  But I have now learned that I can get it from Amazon (is there anything that you cannot get from Amazon?).  So the special mayo.... it is relegated to special meals.  You can't just go in the fridge and pull out the French mayo and put in on your sandwich, serve it with your potatoes.  There has to be special sandwiches...special potatoes.

     And that is exactly what we are having tonight...special sandwiches.  Half a baguette, sliced, topped with French mayo, sliced ham, and sliced Comte Cheese.  I will still serve wine.  No need to try a Rose as the weather is for crap.  But I will put a few crisps out (potato chips) just to "round out" the meal.

     Tomorrow, I may get back to cooking...or maybe, we will just grill Chilean Sea Bass and serve it with grilled asparagus and sauteed spinach.  That is sounding pretty good...but not as good as that sandwich, right now.

Happy Memorial Day weekend.  

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