Friday, May 8, 2020

Ramp Pesto Pizza

     This week has been one of those up and down weeks.  I felt really tired but I really had not done anything to feel that way.  It could have been a lack of sleep.  When I do not sleep, I tend to get physically ill.  The weather, as usual, did not help.

     Getting out of bed on Thursday after seeing each hour on my watch, I thought I had hit rock bottom.  Will this ever end?  I looked outside and the sun was actually shining and the sky was blue.  The weather indicated that it would get up into the 60's.  My heart immediately lifted and some of the weariness went away.

    After learning that the sun would be gone by mid-afternoon, I decided to take advantage of the situation.  Seeing that I had only one morning meeting, by 10 am I was outside and took an hour walk.  I came back feeling so much better.  Then I looked at my makeshift office which is located in our dining room.  Even with two windows, it is just a dark room with an uncomfortable chair.  I had some items to finish that did not require my second monitor so I took my laptop out onto the deck and worked until lunch.  After a small steak salad, I was back at it but this time working from the bright kitchen as the weather was slipping back into its normal pattern.  But it was a good day.  So, now I am thinking that I need to change up my location a bit.

     Remember a couple of weeks ago, Jamie and Cate went foraging for ramps (wild leeks) with a college friend.  One of the things I made with it was Ramp Pesto.  It is AMAZING.  I found this recipe from the Old Farmer's Almanac and it couldn't be easier.  One jar went to the college buddy and one stayed with us.

     Last night, the perfect use for our Ramp Pesto was Ramp Pesto Pizza.  I found a round of Trader Joe's pizza dough in the freezer.  I looked up some recipes but found nothing that really excited me so Cate and I winged it...a very simple pizza but it made the evening.

     After stretching out the dough, we spooned the pesto around as you would do tomato sauce.  We topped the pizza with grated mozzarella and chopped prosciutto.  It was raining, so we could not grill the pizza but cooked it in the oven.  When it was ready, we sprinkled some grated Parm.  Easy and delicious.

     D'Artagnan is selling leeks for a very short time.  So, if you want to try something addictive - make your order now.  You will have it by early next week.

    The really good news of the week was that Cate found out that she has been selected to swim on her college team! You should have seen the look on her face when she received an email from the coach!

Enjoy your weekend.

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