Sunday, September 12, 2021

20 years…and it seems like yesterday

 It is Saturday. I relish in sleeping on the weekends. Cate is back at Dickinson, as a sophomore but really, a freshman socially. She never experienced a typical freshman year. We will never know if that was good or bad.  But she is there and loving every minute of it…from college football games, tailgating, backyard BBQs, a swim practice here and there, and figuring out her classes. I look forward to seeing her next weekend for Homecoming and she has already said that she wants to go skiing with us for her Spring Break. We hear from her daily, either by a text or a call. It makes our day. 

So I woke up late this morning and made us breakfast. What to do as empty nesters…we decided to head out to the lake and kayak. In our former house, it was a short drive. Now that we are in the city, it takes almost an hour. But the weather was spectacular and it was a wonderful 90 minutes on the lake followed by a late lunch of wings and beer. Really, a wonderful day. 

But today is 9-11. It may hit me more than most. Jamie and I discussed it last night. He could not leave his office at the National Guard Headquarters. He asked me what I did…he did not know after all this time. I worked 2 miles from the Pentagon. I was 9 months pregnant. From the trading floor, we watched what happened in NY.  My bosses were out of the office on business. When the Pentagon was struck, a partner in the firm, gave us the go ahead to leave. I remember making sure that all had left, then I got in my car and started to drive…but to where. 

I called my dad. I needed to hear a voice and Jamie was locked down so I could not talk to him. Dad told me to just get home. But his voice was comforting. 

I drove home…but made my way by Jamie’s building. I knew I would never gain an entrance but I just needed to go there. I did get home, and stayed glued to the TV, chanting over and over again, “stay in my belly”. Cate actually cooperated and did not make her appearance until the 24th. 

Jamie was supposed to be at the Pentagon that morning but his meeting was cancelled. So 9-11 makes me remember how lucky I am. I should remember it every day. So today, I think about how wonderful our kayaking trip was…how eating wings, drinking beer and watching college football was terrific and receiving texts from Cate brightens my day. 

It is an emotional day. I feel lucky and am grateful. President Bush’s and VP Harris’ speeches today in PA were a tribute. 

I think we should discuss this more as a country. Maybe it could bring us more together. Even in schools, it is not discussed. Cate knows it based on our lives but not based on school discussion. 

I felt the need to write. Sometimes it helps me sort out emotions. But I sign off now as I just saw a text from Cate. She always trumps everything,