Friday, May 22, 2020

Truffle Butter Pasta

     I haven't stopped cooking but the meals have been a bit easier and easier.   Lunches are now much easier as the Spring has dropped loads of fresh salad greens in my lap.  Ok, I will admit that I have purchased way to much from various farms and my CSA...not to mention I have lettuces growing on the deck.  Right now, I have three bags of lettuces, one bag of arugula and one bag of spinach in the fridge.  And more is coming on Wednesday.  So,  much to the family's chagrin, I have lots of more salads on the way.  What they do like is that we have also been eating a lot of fresh, local asparagus.

     Cate has finished school.  She took her last AP test yesterday (in French), promptly got into her car, drove away and came back 10 minutes later.  I asked her where she went and why she was back so soon.  "I went to the Y parking lot, sat in my car, and screamed."  Guess that means she was not happy with the test.  And given, she plans to major or minor in French, I can understand.

     On a bit of good news, it was announced that she made the Dickinson College Swim Team.  As ambivalent as she can be about swimming, she whooped and hollered, when she received the email.  She has been in regular contact with the coach, and while he is leaving after 26 years at the end of the month, you would never know it.  Having difficulty with your Dickinson email...the coach will take care of it.  The athletic department even sent her a kettle ball to work with over the summer.  Who knows what will happen with college in the Fall and with swimming...but live in the moment and enjoy.

     I have started going back into the office periodically for four hours at a time.  The night before Day 1, I have to admit, my anxiety was off the charts.  I am not sure why.  There are times when this house is like a prison so I should be happy to leave.  I think to some extent, I am happy with my schedule, happy not to wear a bra, not to wear makeup, dress in leisure wear, get up at 7:15am to start at 7:30, take a nice break for lunch with Jamie, go back to work and be outside walking at 3:45pm.  I actually may be more productive as I am checking emails way past closing time.   I have put fuel in  my diesel SUV once in 10 weeks.  So on Day 1,  I did ok, maybe better than ok - but I still loved leaving there at noon, and coming home to work, etc.

     So, the that Cate is out of school officially, she really helps out with dinners.  She makes it a point to be home to help or not to leave until dinner is over.  This dish, from Ina Garten, is a favorite of mine.  It is so incredibly incredibly decadent that it seems you are going over the top for a weeknight meal.  If you truly want to ramp it up, saute some fresh mushrooms and use as a garnish.

P.S.  I have found the truffle butter at Giant Eagle Marketplace but I typically buy a bunch once a year from D'Artagnan and just freeze it.

In my neck of the woods, of course it was beautiful yesterday (a Thursday), is raining all day today (Friday) and the outlook for the weekend isn't much better.  I am hoping that tomorrow we can all take a field trip to Five Points Artisan BakeShop to pick up croissants and baguettes, head over to Mineo's in Squirrel Hill for a take-out pizza and then to Schenley Park for a picnic and a walk. That would do us all some good.  Cross your fingers...clouds and rain...stay away...come back on...Tuesday.

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