Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Orecchiette with Brussels Sprouts and Bacon


     It is Brussels sprouts season!

     Ok, I have actually only had Brussels sprouts on two occasions.  However, my latest CSA shipment contained a bag of these little green things!  Not wanting anything to go to waste, I was bound and determined to find a recipe that the whole family would enjoy.  I think I did just that although I will admit, it is not my own recipe.

     But first things first...did you know that the correct spelling is actually Brussels (with an "s") and the B must be capitalized?  Did you know that this vegetable is named after Brussels, Belgium?  They were actually first cultivated in Belgium way back in the 1500's.  And, yes, they are part of the cabbage family.  Brussels sprouts are very high in fiber and in Vitamin C.  So, there you go...your history lesson for today.

     Now, on to the recipe which is easy enough for a Monday dinner.  Of course, I suppose you could eliminate the bacon and have a vegetarian option but in my family, bacon rules!

Orecchiette with Brussels Sprouts

Orecchiette with Brussels Sprouts
adapted from Michael Symon


1 pound orecchiette pasta
1/2 pound bacon, diced
4 cups thinly sliced Brussels sprouts
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Add in 1-2 T salt.  Add the pasta and cook according to the package directions.  Reserve 1 cup of pasta water.  Drain the pasta.

While the pasta is cooking, heat a skillet over high heat.  Add the bacon and cook until the bacon is crisp and the fat has rendered.  Add the Brussels sprouts and cook for a minute or so until they begin to wilt.  Season lightly with salt and pepper.

Add the pasta and half of the reserved water.  Stir and cook for one minute.  If needed, add the remaining water.  Stir in the parsley and Parmesan and season with additional pepper.


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