Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ode to Joy

     Twelve years ago today after a very long day, Dear Daughter decided to present herself to the world.  Wow, what a wonderful trip it has been thus far.  Sure, there are rocks in the road and bumps along the way but I do not think we would change anything.    These dozen years have gone by at lightening speed...how do I slow the next twelve?

     I stepped into her room this morning and sang "Happy Birthday" to her.  In true "tween" style, she informed me sleepily, that it was actually her cat that woke her up and perhaps I should stop my singing and dancing routine, as I was embarrassing myself.  It is that witty sense of humor that is so endearing.  Really, she was saying with it with a smile on her face...as she can have a witty sense of humor.  While I contemplated this post today, my thoughts were of specific memories of the past twelve years.  However, rather than write them all down...here are a few photographic memories - in no specific order.

And today - the birthday girl!  We love you.


  1. Happy b-day Cate!! Love the pictures...you are as cute today as you were the first day you entered all of our lives!

  2. Happy B'day from me again to Cutie Pie.

  3. I was wondering if your maiden name was Philips? My maiden name is Nadeau. If this is you Leigh Anne-DANG! You look fabulous. Your family is beautiful and you have become an amazing writer. (You are still all those things even if this isn't my friend from high school)
    I have wondered about my friend for many years and hoped she was doing well. I would love to catch up through email if this is you.
