Saturday, August 8, 2020

Juicy BLT is the Official Title but I Consider it the Ultimate BLT

     Every Thursday, I receive an email from my CSA telling me what I will receive in this week's delivery.  They base my shipment on my "preferences" which I established when I set up the account.  So I never receive chard, never receive broccoli nor cauliflower.  Early in the season, I received a ton of lettuce, which was fine with me.  And while I have set zucchini and eggplant as a preference, along with beets - sometimes there is too much of a good thing.  So, it is fun each Thursday afternoon to swap out some of upcoming choices for something I know we will easily devour.

     So, I am now getting at least three types of tomatoes.  I LOVE tomatoes.  I have enjoyed making a dozen jars of tomato sauce the past two summers.  During this time of year, we probably have tomatoes every day. One day last week, I made a tomato tartine.  I  toasted  a slice of sourdough bread from my favorite bakery and topped it with Boursin cheese (if you do not know what this is...Google it - you will never go back to flavored cream cheese).  On top of the cheese, went the lettuce, the tomatoes (sprinkled with salt and pepper) and finally, slices of cooked, thick cut bacon.  You have to eat it with a fork and knife, which makes it seem just a bit fancy.  It was delicious.

     I was considering making this again for lunch today as I looked as the array of tomatoes on my island.  I went onto the NY Times Cooking site to check ingredients for a tomato tarte I plan to make tomorrow night, when my eyes caught the Recipe of the Day -"Juicy BLT."  Let me tell was AMAZING - MIND BLOWING - ABSOLUTE SUMMER DECADENCE.

Here is the link:

If by chance the link doesn't work - basically, the tomatoes are sliced thin and marinated in a bit of red wine vinegar, olive oil and salt and pepper.  Toast the bread.  Spread on the mayo and drizzle a bit of olive oil.  Top with lettuce (I used arugula), then the tomatoes and the  bacon.  Top with the remaining slice of bread (with mayo).  

It is messy.  It is filling.  It is summer and my feet tapped excitedly with each bite.

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