Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 28 - Classic Baked Lasagna Bolognese and a Visit to the Keukenhof

Happy Easter!  I really love flowers so on my last grocery store run, I found a colorful bunch which included my favorite, sunflowers.  This morning, I was reading in the NY Times about how the tulip farmers in The Netherlands have had to dump most of their flowers as they have no buyers at the auctions.  I remembered a short weekend trip to the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens and it was truly a magnificent experience.   So serene, so I wanted to share a bit of that glory with you today - Happy Easter.  But I warn you, you may get a bit teary.

I spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days cooking.  It is my restorative practice.  We had not had lasagne in a very long time.  I knew that Jamie and Cate would be out yesterday afternoon so it would be the perfect time to put some music on (Spotify - Marty Stuart), grab a glass of wine and concentrate on a time consuming Bolognese sauce.  The nice thing about this sauce is that it is made with pantry staples so no extra trip to the grocery store.  It takes about 3 1/2 hours from start to finish but most of that time is cooking time.  So you can get the sauce going, then take your wine over to the TV and watch a few episodes of your favorite Netflix series.  I highly recommend this recipe when you know you will have a few hours to yourself.

As a kid, I always thought that lasagne had to have a layer of ricotto cheese.  It was my least favorite part of the dish.  Many years ago, Jamie came across a recipe that replaced the ricotta layer with a layer of bechamel.  That is now our standard - so creamy and delicious.

Have you ever been to the Serious Eats website?  If you haven't then go to it today.  I used their Lasagne alla Bolognese recipe yesterday for the first time and it is a keeper.  You may be surprised that it calls for no Mozzarella.  Don't worry - you will not miss it.

For the Bolognese, I used this recipe:

What I changed:  The Bolognese recipe called for unflavored gelatin to be added to chicken stock.  As I had made chicken stock the previous day and mine was already gelatinous, I did not add any.  I also halved the recipe as I was only making lasagne for three people.

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