Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 26 - Chicken in Milk with a Sage and Citrus Kick

How am I feeling? I woke up this morning to a snow covered yard.  Pretty, but not what I was looking for in April.  However, I am having a settled day thus far.  I have already been to the store and have a big pot of chicken bones simmering for stock.  
What am I watching?  "Kim's Convenience" on Netflix.  It is a mindless comedy series set in Toronto.
What am I reading?  Really connected last night with Gabrielle Hamilton's autobiography.  Some of her experiences resonate and bring back lots of memories.

I found the most incredible chicken recipe earlier this week and I knew that I had to try it out..  I love roasted chicken but I rarely buy a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store. I think it is because I don't know how long the chicken has been sitting in the warming drawer.  But I have to also admit, I have a pretty bad reputation around here when it comes to chicken.  Seems that I always under-cook it and we are destined to putting back in the oven for a few minutes...kinda puts a damper on the timing of the meal.

Going back to last night's dinner - again, this recipe is very easy and economical..  You might be a bit skeptical at first - chicken in milk?  It was incredibly flavorful.  I served it right out of the pot with no side dishes - only a baguette.

And for you visual learners:

Changes I made:  I was reading a review of the recipe in the NY Times and a reader indicated that she had made this dish while living in Europe and used shelf stable milk.  Once she arrived back in the States and made it using our standard milk, it didn't turn out as well.  Turns out that with the pandemic, Jamie bought several boxes of Parmalat milk so that is what I used.  Worked very well.

I also didn't use any oil to brown the chicken - just butter.  I also left the top on the pan for the first 45 minutes and then uncovered it for the final 45.

Stay healthy and safe and enjoy!

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