Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 21 - Much Needed Pub Food

How am I feeling?  The sun is out; the air is warm - if my neighbor would stop talking so loudly, this would be a perfect morning.  Why do I have to hear her phone conversations at 10:00 am?  But I am not going to lose this feeling.  I am thinking of Belgium and my stone porch that overlooked the pastures.
What am I watching?  Governor Cuomo's daily briefing; "The Night Manager, Episode 4 (Amazon Prime) and thank goodness no more cats!
What am I reading?   Gabrielle Hamilton's Autobiography

Cate took treats over to her grandmother's nursing home yesterday and then sat in a large high school football stadium by herself to get a breather.  She came home and asked me if we were going to do our typical Sunday lunch the following day.  I told her that we could and she quickly indicated that she would give us her presentation then.  The presentation is her college decision.  She has narrowed her decision to three choices.  Jamie and I thought that she had already made a decision - the third on our list but evidently, when she started making her PowerPoint, she realized that she was no closer.  Cate can hold her emotions close to the chest and she has not been very forthcoming about what she wants in a school, etc.  I noticed a window of opportunity and seized it.  I asked her if she was still looking at the original three.  She said yes.  We went through pros and cons of each school.  Then we took a piece of paper and she brainstormed the parameters by which she would evaluate each school.  I stressed to her that these were all very good schools and that there was not a bad decision.  I also stressed that as an only child...if Food is a parameter, that is OK.  If Dorms are a parameter, that is OK. She seemed a bit more settled and went to work on the presentation.  We shall see if we get the decision during lunch today.

Jamie spent the afternoon with college buddies - target shooting - which requires social distancing.  I spent the afternoon getting ready for Sunday night's dinner - Spanish tapas - which, in my case, requires some prep work  - more on that tomorrow.

For dinner, we all needed pub food.  Our version of pub food - which included wine and not beer. 

Do you have a subscription to the New York Times Cooking app?  If not, get one.  It has fabulous recipes and you can store them in your own recipe box.  This is the go-to source for me and my sister.

Ali Slagle's Baked Buffalo Wings are super, super easy and really, really good...I think right now, they are not charging for the subscription.

Changes made:  I sprinkled some Cajun seasoning on the wings before they went in the oven.  And this time, I didn't make make the blue cheese dressing from scratch...used a bottle of Trader Joe's Blue Cheese Dressing and crumbled some Roquefort into it.  Served it with sweet potato and regular french fries from Ore-Ida.  Fun evening...

Well, the clouds are moving in and my neighbor now has his leaf blower out at 10:10 am on a Sunday morning - signs that I need to go into the kitchen and start our Sunday lunch.  How I miss those Sunday noise ordinances they have in Europe.

Stay healthy and safe.  Until tomorrow.


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