Friday, December 18, 2015

Root Vegetable Gratin

Root Vegetable Gratin

      If you look at my desk calendar for the remainder of December, you will not only notice events and activities that are scheduled, but also my menu planning for now through Christmas.  I decided late last week that I would make the family special meals as we head into the final days of school and work.  My plan is to share my success with you each day.  I am optimistic that there will be more successes than failures!
     With the last batch of parsnips, potatoes and a butternut squash from my Winter CSA, I decided that a root vegetable gratin might be the perfect accompaniment to brined, pan roasted pork chops (also locally sourced).  At a later date, I will have to share with you the pork chop recipe because I will never cook them differently again!  But for now, let's dive into the Gratin.

Root Vegetable Gratin

Root Vegetable Gratin


3/4 lb butternut squash, peeled and thinly sliced
3/4 lb potato, peeled and thinly sliced
1/2 lb parsnips, peeled and thinly sliced
2 cloves of garlic, one smashed and the other cut in half
1 cup of whole milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 cup shredded Gruyere
1/4 tsp fresh thyme leaves, chopped
1/4 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped
Salt and pepper

1.  Preheat the oven to 400F.  Combine the milk, cream and smashed garlic clove in a saucepan.  Heat over low heat until just simmering.  Remove from heat and let steep.

2.  With the second piece of garlic, rub the cut side around the inside of your baking dish.

3.  Place your vegetable in the baking dish.  I put one layer of squash, then one layer of potato, then one layer of parsnips until I filled the bottom of the dish.  Season with salt, pepper and herbs.  Sprinkle cheese over the layer.  Then do the same process, two or three more times, depending on the depth of your baking dish.  Finish with the remaining cheese, salt, pepper and herbs.

4.  Remove the garlic from the milk mixture and pour evenly over the vegetables.  Place in the oven and bake, uncovered, for 50 minutes or until the top is brown and bubbly and the vegetables are cooked.

The Gratin just before it goes into the oven

5.  Remove from oven and let it rest for five minutes before serving.

Root Vegetable Gratin

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