Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Fromage Forte


     At the moment, I have approximately ten different types of cheese in the deli bin of my refrigerator.  Yes, we are a family that loves cheese.  Most of the time, I lose track of the different types and then what to do with all of the "nubs"...those pieces close to the rind.  If it is Parmesan, there is an easy answer.  When I am making homemade soup, frequently I put in a nub of Parmesan when the soup is simmering.  It adds a nice depth of flavor.


      I discovered this recipe about 6 years ago.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a food processor in Europe so we have been without Fromage Forte for the past four years.  But the wait is over!

     I have started keeping a plastic bag in the freezer and as I get to the end of a cheese, I place it in the bag.  When I have approximately 1/2 pound of cheese, then I make a family favorite, Fromage Forte.  This particular recipes comes from Jacques Peppin, one of my favorites.  It is super easy to make and makes for great appetizer or as accompaniment for salad or soup.  A little goes a long way so in the winter months, I normally have a jar of this in the refrigerator.

     The great thing about this recipe is that it is basically a non-recipe.  It is just a guideline.  Use whatever cheese you want...I always think a bit of blue cheese adds depth, but if you do not like it, then don't use it. Yesterday, I added about 1 tablespoon of cream cheese and that worked very well.

 Fromage Forte
Adapted from Jacques Peppin

Fromage Forte


1/2 pound of cheese bits - for the softer cheeses, keep the rind.  For harder cheeses such as Gruyere or Parm, do not use the rind.

1 clove of garlic, minced

1/4 white wine

Black Pepper

In a food processor, combine all of the ingredients.  Process until smooth.

Spread over toast or baguette slices and broil until bubbly and browned.  Top with sliced chives.


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