Thursday, December 10, 2015

Brussels Sprout Salad

     A large bag of Brussels sprouts was included in my first Winter CSA package.  At first, I was a bit intimidated and a bit stumped on what to do with them.  I do not like cooked Brussels sprouts and we had already made a pasta dish with our last shipment.
     I remember several years ago a friend of mine made a salad with Brussels sprout and we enjoyed it.  I started researching possible recipes on the Internet and landed upon this one.  That large bag is now gone.  We loved the salad so much; we had it two nights in a row!  The first night, we made it according to the recipe.  The second night, we played around with it.  This is really versatile and makes a wonderful first course.  Your non-Brussels sprout eaters will be converted.  I promise.

Brussels Sprout Salad

Brussels Sprout Salad
adapted from Pinch of Yum


juice of one lemon
juice of one orange
2T apple cider
1 shallot, minced
1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste.

Combine all of the ingredients except the olive oil and mix well.  Add the olive oil in a slow stream and whisk until emulsified.


Brussels sprouts
1/2 cup almonds
3-6 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped
grated Parmesan
dried cranberries

The exact measurements of the salad ingredients really depends on the number of diners.  

Slice the sprouts with a mandoline or a knife.  You want them as thin as possible.  Watch your fingers!

Once you have enough sprouts for everyone, add chopped bacon.  Then grate the cheese into the bowl.  Take the almonds and pulse in a food processer until finely chopped.  Add to taste but it should take between 1/2 to 1 cup.  The first night, I used one cup for a salad that fed three people.  Dear Daughter thought that was too much, so the second night, I dropped it down to 1/2 cup.  Perfect.  Add in the cranberries.  Mix to combine.

Add the dressing a bit at a time and taste.  You do not want it overly dressed.  Then sample it again and see if it needs anymore cheese, cranberries, bacon or nuts.

This salad is awesome!  I cannot wait for my next shipment of Brussels sprouts!!!

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