Sunday, June 14, 2015

Germany: Berlin, A Quiet Sunday Morning

It is Sunday morning and Dear Husband (DH) has to work. It has cooled off greatly since our arrival early Friday morning and the sky is a brilliant blue. After a simple breakfast of a soft boiled egg and a brotchen (bread of choice in Germany), I walk with DH to the conference hotel located a mile away. We could have taken the subway but the morning is crisp and clear and at 8am, the streets are nearly empty. It is one of the many pleasures of Europe, quiet Sunday mornings. Here in a major city, the streets are practically empty, ghost-town-like and it should be.

It is wonderful to be back yet so hard to be back. The feelings and memories of our time in Europe have been quickly pushed back in our minds. They have to be or we would probably be nonfunctional. In just a short 48 hours, we have enjoyed wandering down the aisles of simple grocery stores finding familiar products and almost greeting them as long lost friends. We have taken our beloved ICE train and sped across the countryside to a new adventure. Our meals have been incredible; ranging from a Michelin-star three course lunch, to my beloved bratwurst and brotchen sandwich slathered in mustard to a quirky pasta dinner in our apartment. 

It is 9:00 am and DD is still sleeping. I will let her as she needs it. To be truthful, I need to sit alone in the airy kitchen and pretend that this is my home and I am enjoying a typical lazy Sunday morning. Later, we can go out for a guaranteed adventure. 

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