Sunday, September 16, 2012

Excitement on a Quiet Weekend - Foie Gras on Toast

     This has been a quiet weekend - almost too quiet for us.  It is "neuer wein" season here and yesterday, we went in search of the new wine and its typical sidekick - onion tart.  We are all getting over colds and perhaps we should have remained at home...the outing did not go very well. (When we accomplish this task, I will write all about it as it is a fascinating subject.)

     Last night, our village had its annual Hanchenfest.  We have been waiting for this feast all summer.  In an effort to raise money for the local firestation, each year the village has a dinner serving grilled chicken and bratwurst.  We walked the short distance from our house to the fest, paid for two chickens and three beverages and sat down to chat with neighbors.  I should add that there were more Americans at the fest than Germans and it was a bit disconcerting.  As if by magic, the people around us seemed to instinctively know when the chickens were ready and very quickly, a long line appeared.  I waited a few minutes and then placed myself in the queue.  No sooner as I reached the head of the line, than I heard that there was only one chicken left - the next batch would not be ready for another two hours!  I took the one chicken, gave it Dear Daughter, who was naturally famished and settled for a bratwurst.  Needless to say, we didn't stay long.

     So we come to Sunday and it has been an great start.  We woke to crisp temperatures and clear skies.  Dear Husband and I lounged outside in the crisp morning air.  Finally around 9:45, Dear Daughter graced us with her presence.  Our intent for our late breakfast was to mimic an appetizer that we had earlier this summer at a restaurant in Paris.  This restaurant specialized in everything DUCK; duck confit, cassoulet, duck in a cherry sauce.  But the best item on the menu was the Foie Gras appetizer.  Sliced foie gras and pieces of dark bread were brought to the table.  Each table was equipped with its own small toaster.  You toasted your bread and once ready, placed a slice of foie gras on the top and finished it with a bit of sea salt scattered on top.  The heat of the toast warmed the foie gras and it almost melted in your mouth.  It was fabulous.

     So with our best bottle of Cremant (French sparkling wine), we enjoyed Foie Gras on toasts for our late breakfast.  It was the perfect beginning to the day.  After breakfast, we pulled out the IPADs to ready the Sunday NY Times.  But before starting, I checked a website that I have been checking regularly.  Each time over the last few months, I have been disappointed after checking the site.  But today, I saw the headline, "Burgundy:  More than mustard and red wine."  Being an article about France, I decided to read it.  Then I realized that I knew this article.   "OMG!  It is my article!"  I yelled to the family, "They did it, they did it!"  Obviously, they did not know what I was talking about.

     So without further fanfare, I give you the link:

     The Stars and Stripes (UK edition) published an article that I wrote about a recent trip to Burgundy. While I received no monetary compensation, it is a hoot to see one's writing in print.

     But as this weekend has been....there has to be a letdown...wait for it...wait for it...My last name is LORD not FORD...seriously!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Glückwunsch, Leigh Anne!!!

    Letztes Wochenende hatten wir bei dem Familienfest bei meinen Eltern übrigens auch Federweißen zum Essen (auch wenn es keinen Zwiebelkuchen gab.... Der erste des Jahres ist immer der Beste... :-)

